Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June Potluck

Greetings, good gentles.

Let the warmth of fellowship banish from our hearts the winters chill! All are invited to attend an informal potluck evening at my abode at the end of this fine month.
We will have good cheer, good food, good companions, and such activities as recommend themselves to our weatherbeaten minds.
The afternoon will offer time to practise - combat, craft and conversation, and in the evening we will eat and regale ourselves with a tale (ok, a DVD) of Dangerous Beauty!

If any good gentle has the means to regale us with any other suitable tale, please put forth your suggestions.

The details for the occasion are as follows:
Date: Saturday 28th June
Time: From about 2pm onwards - supper at about 6:30pm
Contact: Lady Ginevra / Stacey

Please bring with you an appropriate medieval dish to feed approximately 4-6 adults. That way we get to try things we may not normally cook. Note that bread and cheese can qualify as an appropriate medieval dish. I need to know what you plan to bring to make sure that we don't get 4 main courses, and no dessert. (You understand, of course, that 4 desserts and no main meals is less of a problem!) Please post to the list for recipe suggestions
- there are plenty of people here who are knowlegable about period cooking.
Please let me know about any dietary restrictions - we may be able to make a plan.

This will be a non-garb event.

Looking forward to seeing many faces again.
In Service

1 comment:

Lady Rose said...

Greetings Ginevra,

My good husband and I will attend the potluck on the 28th.

I have not decided yet what I will bring but more than likely, I will bring a broth with meatballs and noodles - an Andalusian dish. Also something I have been threatening to make, is a mutton and barley broth, although it is more like a thick stew. Something else I have been toying with is a nice French custard tart, either individual tartlets or a larger tart, like milk tart.

Anything I should be aware of in terms of dietary restrictions?

In Service
